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Friday, August 28, 2020
The Stupidest Angel Chapter 12~14 Free Essays
Part 12 THE STUPIDEST ANGEL’S CHRISTMAS MIRACLE Twilight, Christmas Eve. The downpour was descending so hard that there didn’t give off an impression of being any space between the drops †only a surge of water, moving on a level plane on wind that was blasting to seventy miles for each hour. In the woodland behind the Santa Rosa Chapel, the blessed messenger bit his Snickers and ran a wet hand over the tire tracks at the rear of his neck, thinking, I should have gotten progressively explicit headings. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Stupidest Angel Chapter 12~14 or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now He was enticed to go get the kid again and ask him precisely where Santa Claus was covered. He understood now that â€Å"somewhere in the forested areas behind the church†wasn’t disclosing to him much. To return to get bearings, in any case, would weaken to some degree the entire miraculousness of the wonder. This was Raziel’s first Christmas supernatural occurrence. He’d been ignored for the errand for a long time, however at long last his turn had come up. Indeed, really, the Archangel Michael’s turn had come up, and Raziel wound up landing the position by losing in a game. Michael had wagered the planet Venus against his relegated undertaking of playing out the Christmas wonder this year. Venus! Despite the fact that he wasn’t extremely sure what he would have finished with Venus had he won it, Raziel realized he required the subsequent planet, if for no other explanation than that it was enormous and sparkling. He didn’t like the entire theoretical nature of the Christmas wonder strategic. â€Å"Go to Earth, discover a kid who has made a Christmas wish that must be allowed by divine mediation, at that point you will be conceded forces to give that wish.†There were three sections. Shouldn’t the activity be given to three heavenly attendants? Shouldn’t there be a boss? Raziel wished he could exchange this for the decimation of a city. That was so basic. You found the city, you murdered all the individuals, you leveled all the structures, regardless of whether you completely botched it you could find the survivors in the slopes and slaughter them with a blade, which, in truth, Raziel sort of delighted in. Except if, obviously, you obliterated an inappropriate city, and he’d just done that what? Twice? Urban communities in those days weren’t that large, in any case. Enough individuals to fill two or three great size Wal-Marts, tops. Presently thereâ₠¬â„¢s a crucial, the heavenly attendant: â€Å"Raziel! Go forward into the land and devastate unto two great size Wal-Marts, kill until blood doth stream from all deals and all the structures are nevertheless rubble †and get a couple of Snickers bars for yourself.†A tree waving in the breeze close by snapped with the report of a gun, and the holy messenger came out of his dream. He expected to complete this supernatural occurrence and be gone. Through the downpour he could see that individuals were beginning to show up at the little church, battling their way through the breeze and the downpour, the lights in the windows glinting even as the gathering was beginning. There was no returning, the holy messenger thought. He would simply need to blindly go for it (which, considering he was a blessed messenger, he should have been exceptional at). He raised his arms to his sides and his dark coat spilled out behind him on the breeze, uncovering the tips of his wings collapsed underneath. In his best profession voice, he got out the spell. â€Å"Let he who lies here dead arise!†He kind of did a hand movement to cover essentially the general region. â€Å"Let he who doesn't live, live once more. Emerge from your grave this Christmas and live!†Raziel took a gander at the half-eaten Snickers he was holding and understood that perhaps he ought to be progressively explicit about what should occur. â€Å"Come forward from the grave! Celebrate! Feast!†Nothing. Nothing at all occurred. There, said the blessed messenger to himself. He popped the remainder of the Snickers bar into his mouth and cleaned his hands on his jacket. The downpour had died down for a piece and he could see far into the forested areas. Nothing was going on. â€Å"I mean it!†he said in his enormous startling holy messenger voice. Not a damn thing. Wet pine needles, some wind, trees whipping to and fro, downpour. No marvel. â€Å"Behold!†said the blessed messenger. â€Å"For I am truly not kidding.†An incredible whirlwind came up at that second and another close by pine snapped and fell, missing the heavenly attendant by just a couple of feet. â€Å"There. It’s simply going to take a little time.†He left the forested areas and down Worchester Street into town. â€Å"Wow, I’m starving the entirety of a sudden,†said Marty in the Morning, all dead, constantly. â€Å"I know,†said Bess Leander, harmed at this point energetic. â€Å"I feel extremely bizarre. Hungry, and something different. I’ve never felt this before.†â€Å"Oh, my dear,†said Esther, the teacher, â€Å"I can unexpectedly consider only brains.†â€Å"How ’bout you, kid?†asked Marty in the Morning. â€Å"You pondering brains?†â€Å"Yeah,†said Jimmy Antalvo. â€Å"I could eat.†For Luck, There Is No Chapter 13. Simply THIS CHRISTMAS PHOTO ALBUM Now and again, on the off chance that you take a gander at family previews, you can find in the essences of the kids, omens of the grown-ups they will turn into. In the grown-ups, you can here and there observe the face behind the face. Not generally, however sometimes†¦ Exhaust Case In this shot we see a wealthy California family presented before their lakeshore home in Elsinore, California. (It’s an eight-by-ten shading shiny, emblazoned with the trademark of an expert photographer’s studio.) They are completely tanned and sound looking. Exhaust Case is maybe ten years of age, wearing a little jacket with a yachting ensign on the front pocket and minimal adorned loafers. He is remaining before his mom, who has a similar fair hair and splendid blue eyes, a similar grin that looks not as though she is introducing her dental work, yet as though she is only seconds from blasting out giggling. Three ages of Cases †siblings, sisters, uncles, aunties, and cousins †look consummately coiffed, squeezed, washed, and sparkled. All are grinning, aside from one young lady down front, who has an appearance of servile ghastliness all over. A more critical look uncovers the rear of her red Christmas dress is hurled up aside, and winding in from the side, from under his little blue jacket, is the hand of youthful Tuck, who has recently taken a depraved press of his cousin Janey’s eleven-year-old base. What is telling about this image isn't the clandestine goods grab, however the rationale, on the grounds that here Tucker Case is at an age where he is considerably more keen on exploding stuff than he is in sex, yet he is intelligently mindful of exactly how much his advances will crack his cousin out. This is his raison d’tre. It ought to be noticed that Janey Case-Robbins will proceed to separate herself as an effective litigator and supporter for women’s rights, while Tucker Case will proceed to be a sequentially crushed horn hound with a natural product bat. Lena Marquez The shot is taken in someone’s terrace on a bright day. There are youngsters all around and it’s clear that a major gathering is going on. She’s six, wearing a feathery pink dress and patent-cowhide shoes. She couldn’t be any cuter, with her long dark hair tied up into braids with red strips and flying out behind her like silk comet tails as she seeks after the piã ±ata. She’s blindfolded, and her mouth is all the way open, letting forward an explosion of that high, young lady chuckle that seems as though euphoria itself, on the grounds that she’s simply reached the stick and she’s sure that she has discharged sweets, and toys, and noisemakers for all the kids. What she has, truth be told, done, has determinedly smacked her uncle Octavio in the cojones. Uncle Octavio is trapped in an enchantment snapshot of progress, his face changing from happiness to astonish to torment, at the same time. Lena is as yet charming and sweet and unmarred by the fiasco she has fashioned. Feliz Navidad! Molly Michon It’s Christmas morning, post-present-opening tempest. Tissue paper and lace are flung around the floor, and out of the way you can see a foot stool, and on it an ashtray the size of a hubcap flooding with butts, and a vacant container of Jim Beam. Up front is six-year-old Molly Achevski (she would change her last name to Michon at nineteen on the guidance of an operator â€Å"because it sounds screwing French, individuals love that†). Molly is wearing a red sequined ballet dancer outfit, red boots that hit her exposed legs about midcalf, and a mammoth, brassy smile with a gap in the center where her front teeth used to be. She has one foot propped up on a huge Tonka dump truck as though she has quite recently vanquished it in a fight, and her more youthful sibling Mike, four, is attempting to pry the truck free from her. Tears are gushing down his cheeks. Molly’s other sibling, Tony, five, is admiring his sister like she is the princess of everything great. She h as just poured him a bowl of Lucky Charms at the beginning of today, as she accomplishes for both her siblings each morning. Out of sight, we see a lady in a shower robe lying on the lounge chair, one hand hanging to the floor holding a cigarette that has consumed itself out hours prior. The shimmering debris has left a streak on the floor covering. Nobody has any thought who snapped this photo. Dale Pearson This one was taken just a couple of years prior, when Dale was as yet hitched to Lena. It’s the Caribou Lodge Christmas celebration, and Dale is, by and by, dressed as Santa, sitting on a stopgap seat. He is encircled by intoxicated revelers, all giggling, all holding the different joke blessings that Dale has dropped to them before that night. Dale is waving his own present, a fourteen-inch-long elastic penis, as large around as a soup can. Heâ�
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Learn Anything Free Essays
AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL B-SCHOOL MARKS: 80 Information Technology N. B. : 1)Attempt any sixteen inquiries addresses conveys equivalent imprints. We will compose a custom article test on Pick up Anything or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now 1. 2. 3. What are the attributes of a mechanically empowered association? How does an Organization secure disseminal information? For what reason do you guess request †just applications were created rather than completely on lines framework? 4. 5. What sort of innovation is least adaptable? Generally adaptable? How does key arranging contrast between a firm that offers administrations one that makers an item? Is there a distinction in the effect of innovation on procedure in any two kinds of firms? 6. What sort of business exercises do you believe are generally managable to basic frameworks in various nations? 7. What sort of projects do you believe are probably going to utilize gliding †point guidelines? 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Recognize PC equipment programming which most concerns a director? What sort of programming does a server for a neighborhood need to have? What is OLAP? How can it add to the association? Comparable article: Text Mining for Businesses For what reason are guidelines so significant in correspondences? What ventures are no doubt ready to exploit EDI? Are there applications where it doesn't make a difference if various databases are at the same time refreshed? 14. Most associations today have PCs and programming, which are all expected to chip away at a system, from various Vendors? What are the potential issues with utilizing items from a wide range of sources? .. 2.. 15. What are the distinctions in plan for multi-client framework versus an individual framework on a pc? )Every one of the 16. Does a framework need to utilize the most present day innovation to be effective? Why or why not? Are there inconveniences to using the most cutting-edge innovation? 17. 18. 19. For what reason would it be a good idea for one to demand an exhibition of a bundle? What is a spaghetti association? How might you change an immense firm like General Motors with the assistance of data innovation? 20. How more client improvement in the long run takes out the requirement for proficient frameworks examination and software engineers? 21. 22. 3. 24. By what means can an organization use media today? How can one approach distinguishing the master to be utilized in building up a specialist framework? Portray how an infection really functions? What sort of documents does it need to taint? What sort of changes does data innovation either make or encourage inside and between associations? What different changes are partner with IT? 25. What are the downsides of work place observing? Why the executives may needs to screen laborer efficiency? The most effective method to refer to Learn Anything, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Market research 1 -The marketing research process,scope etc for your Essay
Statistical surveying 1 - The showcasing research process,scope and so forth for your picked situation - Essay Example At the same time, the pertinence of different procedures for the proposed examination will be contemplated and the best strategy will be distinguished. The statistical surveying is intended to recognize the prerequisites of the clients visiting a bank. The exploration endeavors to recognize the significance the clients gave towards highlights like security of transmission, the client financier relationship, the bank’s exhibit of administrations, and decent footing among different variables. The exploration won't test with respect to how the clients really see the administrations gave by the brokers, yet simply their desires. The examination will make an endeavor to shape ends to distinguish regions where the financiers should center upon. Bank clients request a changed kind of administrations from their banks separated from the customary ones they as of now give. One of the most significant among them is an issue free and quick exchange of our assets. A perfect method for moving assets is to change over physical cash to an electronic one that can encourage countless perspectives going from expanded productivity in cash transmission, low exchange cost in cash transmission, extension of monetary exercises on the web and opening up of new organizations openings. In any case, these expanded offices are not liberated from issues. The most significant one that the bank clients face is identified with security issues. Another issue frequently looked by bank clients all through the world is that of a feeble client the board relationship. Individuals are worried about their well deserved cash, and regularly look for master counsel on them issues identified with their venture. It is normal from the bank the board to advance them with their experience. In any case, frequently it is discovered that the banks neglect to achieve inviting terms with their clients that would give the last the opportunity to associate. (Susan Ward, Customer Relationship
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Deductive Essay Samples Guide
Deductive Essay Samples Guide One of the absolute most important characteristics of the essay is the support offered to draw conclusions. This kind of essay is based on several circumstances having to do with the subject, and various clues. As it progresses, a deductive essay indicates the most reasonable and logical conclusion that may be reached on the grounds of the info provided. What's more, you ought not overlook the value of deductive logic. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Deductive Essay Samples As you're working on your deductive essay, your principal goal is going to be to use deductive reasoning and deal with an issue that is related to your readers. Hence, it's required to have a very clear mind, together with a very clear comprehension of the subject to finish the project with a great outcome. Employing the illustration of animals, you might mention in the conclusion that individuals ought to take care of pandas. The initial one is the premise, which is among the very important elements that can help you in moving on with your task. Accordingly, so as to know how to compose a deductive essay, you have to first have a good comprehension of the deductive reasoning procedure. Quite simply, deductive reasoning is truly little more than making assessments of a particular situation based on knowledge you have it's frequently utilized in detective stories, as an example, and by detectives in actual life, for that issue. It is not that alien, despite the fact that a person may not recognize it. Also, keep in mind that deductive and abductive reasoning are different thing. Deductive arguments have many diverse forms. If there's a logical argument that's inductive it is known as cogent. Deductive reasoning is the basis of the scientific method. In each case, the inductive reasoning might be true. Of course, if it's the case that you're working on an inductive instead of deductive essay, then you might not need to be concerned about the truthfulness of your assumptions. A lot of people often confuse inductive an d deductive reasoning, which might result in receiving a bad grade for the essay. In the same style, you can learn new procedures of argumentation. Deductive reasoning takes place when a student is given with a set of items or circumstances whereby a student is subsequently required to draw forth a fair assumption concerning the list of circumstances provided. Deductive essays are designed in order to rate the knowledge level of students. A deductive essay examines the idea of a given set of circumstances and the way the student might deduce reasonable assumptions from them. Completely free Deductive essay samples are offered on FreeEssayHelp with no payment or registration. In many scenarios, a deductive essay could have various prospective conclusions. So as to write a great essay, you will need to check through deductive essay topics and choose one. Moreover, to compose an excellent deductive essay, you should choose one of the best deductive essay topics. Your text needs to be readable and well-structured. It isn't so simple to choose among deductive essay topics, and you should keep in mind that it should be interesting to you and to the audience. From time to time, you can want to base your deductive essay on more than 1 premise. It is impossible to compose a superior deductive essay if you don't own a premise upon which to found your work. When you're writing a deductive essay, the conclusion is the most essential part. You won't ever manage to create a brilliant deductive essay if you don't have a premise. Thus, if you're excited about buying best reflective essays, there isn't any greater place for it than Pro-Papers! If you are fighting to compose a paper, then there's always a choice to think about. The Downside Risk of Deductive Essay Samples In situations like this it is necessary to opt for the very best possible reason to mention in the conclusion. Because the conclusions are based off the premises and among the premises isn't true, it follows that the conclusion isn't true, though it is valid. For that reason, it's immensely important to learn to distinguish the kinds of reasoning to create proper and corr ect assumptions or conclusions based on an initial assignment. Deductive reasoning is a kind of logic where general statements, or premises, are utilised to form a particular conclusion. If you assume that the premise (first statement) is accurate, then it's possible to deduce different things that must be true. Deductive reasoning, or deduction, is among both primary kinds of logical inference. An argument contributes to a conclusion led by means of a premise or premises. It needs to be checked if the premises are true or reasonable to believe, and if the statements are clear.
Friday, May 15, 2020
What Is Entropy
Entropy is an important concept in physics and chemistry, plus it can be applied to other disciplines, including cosmology and economics. In physics, it is part of thermodynamics. In chemistry, it is a core concept in physical chemistry. Key Takeaways: Entropy Entropy is a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system.The value of entropy depends on the mass of a system. It is denoted by the letter S and has units of joules per kelvin.Entropy can have a positive or negative value. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of a system can only decrease if the entropy of another system increases. Entropy Definition Entropy is the measure of the disorder of a system. It is an extensive property of a thermodynamic system, which means its value changes depending on the amount of matter that is present. In equations, entropy is usually denoted by the letter S and has units of joules per kelvin (Jâ‹…K−1) or kgâ‹…m2â‹…s−2â‹…K−1. A highly ordered system has low entropy. Entropy Equation and Calculation There are multiple ways to calculate entropy, but the two most common equations are for reversible thermodynamic processes and isothermal (constant temperature) processes. Entropy of a Reversible Process Certain assumptions are made when calculating the entropy of a reversible process. Probably the most important assumption is that each configuration within the process is equally probable (which it may not actually be). Given equal probability of outcomes, entropy equals Boltzmanns constant (kB) multiplied by the natural logarithm of the number of possible states (W): S kB ln W Boltzmanns constant is 1.38065 Ãâ€" 10−23 J/K. Entropy of an Isothermal Process Calculus may be used to find the integral of dQ/T from the initial state to final state, where Q is heat and T is the absolute (Kelvin) temperature of a system. Another way to state this is that the change in entropy (ÃŽâ€S) equals the change in heat (ÃŽâ€Q) divided by the absolute temperature (T): ÃŽâ€S ÃŽâ€Q / T Entropy and Internal Energy In physical chemistry and thermodynamics, one of the most useful equations relates entropy to the internal energy (U) of a system: dU T dS - p dV Here, the change in internal energy dU equals absolute temperature T multiplied by the change in entropy minus external pressure p and the change in volume V. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics The second law of thermodynamics states the total entropy of a closed system cannot decrease. However, within a system, entropy of one system can decrease by raising entropy of another system. Entropy and Heat Death of the Universe Some scientists predict the entropy of the universe will increase to the point where the randomness creates a system incapable of useful work. When only thermal energy remains, the universe would be said to have died of heat death. However, other scientists dispute the theory of heat death. Some say the universe as a system moves further away from entropy even as areas within it increase in entropy. Others consider the universe as part of a larger system. Still others say the possible states do not have equal likelihood, so ordinary equations to calculate entropy do not hold valid. Example of Entropy A block of ice will increase in entropy as it melts. Its easy to visualize the increase in the disorder of the system. Ice consists of water molecules bonded to each other in a crystal lattice. As ice melts, molecules gain more energy, spread further apart, and lose structure to form a liquid. Similarly, the phase change from a liquid to a gas, as from water to steam, increases the energy of the system. On the flip side, energy can decrease. This occurs as steam changes phase into water or as water changes to ice. The second law of thermodynamics is not violated because the matter is not in a closed system. While the entropy of the system being studied may decrease, that of the environment increases. Entropy and Time Entropy is often called the arrow of time because matter in isolated systems tends to move from order to disorder. Sources Atkins, Peter; Julio De Paula (2006). Physical Chemistry (8th ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-870072-2.Chang, Raymond (1998). Chemistry (6th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-115221-1.Clausius, Rudolf (1850). On the Motive Power of Heat, and on the Laws which can be deduced from it for the Theory of Heat. Poggendorffs Annalen der Physick, LXXIX (Dover Reprint). ISBN 978-0-486-59065-3.Landsberg, P.T. (1984). Can Entropy and Order Increase Together?. Physics Letters. 102A (4): 171–173. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(84)90934-4Watson, J.R.; Carson, E.M. (May 2002). Undergraduate students understandings of entropy and Gibbs free energy. University Chemistry Education. 6 (1): 4. ISSN 1369-5614
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Accounting Standard Accounting Standards Essay - 1118 Words
Accounting Standard (AS) 2 Inventories constitute a major portion of current assets of an entity. A primary issue in accounting for inventories is the amount of cost to be recognized as an asset and carried forward until the related revenues are recognized. Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 2, Inventories, prescribes the accounting treatment for inventories, such as, determination of cost and its subsequent recognition as expense, including any write-downs of inventories to net realizable value and reversal of write-downs. Scope Ind AS 2 applies to all inventories, except: (a) work in progress arising under construction contracts, including directly related service contracts; (b) financial instruments (c) biological assets (i.e., living animals or plants) related to agricultural activity and agricultural produce at the point of harvest. This Standard does not apply to the measurement of inventories held by: (a) producers of agricultural and forest products, agricultural produce after harvest, and minerals and mineral products, to the extent they are measured at net realizable value in accordance with well-established practices in those industries. When such inventories are measured at net realizable value, changes in that value are recognized in profit or loss in the period of the change. (b) commodity broker-traders who measure their inventories at fair value less costs to sell. When such inventories are measured at fair value less costs to sell, changesShow MoreRelatedAccounting Standard Of Australian Accounting Standards1140 Words  | 5 Pagesin there financial statements of their company. Australia Accounting Standard Board publish some new accounting standard related to the RDR implementing to review the differential reporting framework. These standards made on 30 June 2010 and implement on or after 1 July 2013. These new standards are:- †¢ AASB 1053 Application of Tiers of Australian Accounting Standards (PDF); and †¢ AASB 2010-2 Amendment to Australian Accounting Standards arising from Reduced Disclosure Requirements. DifferentialRead MoreThe Standards Of Accounting Standards830 Words  | 4 PagesAccounting standard set has become debatable topics in regards its function in real business. The standards of accounting have been developed throughout years and many countries has applied different accounting standard. However, as business world has become interconnected, there is an urged in need to have one stand-alone of accounting standards that could use worldwide. Therefore, many countries developed convergence of their accounting standard into International Financial reporting standard (IFRS)Read MoreInternational Accounting Standards : Standards1365 Words  | 6 PagesInternational Accounting Standards What are International Accounting Standards? The International Accounting Standards or IASC are accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board or IASB and its predecessor, the International Accounting Standards Committee or IASC. The International Accounting standards were started in 1966 after a proposal that was presented to create an International Study group that included the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and WalesRead MoreAccounting Analysis On Accounting Standards1911 Words  | 8 Pagesfocussed on the topic related to Accounting theory concept in general. There are two articles to elucidate, first article is on Accounting Standards conceptual framework, which is further discussed in detail about the qualitative characteristics of Conceptual framework. Second article is about Positive Accounting Theory, where we discuss about Accounting theories. A) Article One: 1) Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) AASB - Australian Accounting Standards Board Body charged with developingRead MoreUs Accounting Standards vs. International Accounting Standards1742 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States Accounting Standards vs International Accounting Standards June 21, 2009 Introduction This research project will inform the reader of the difference between the United States accounting standards and International accounting standards. The United States uses the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to issue financial reporting procedures. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).Read MoreInternational Accounting Standards1317 Words  | 6 PagesInternational Accounting Standards What is the International Accounting Standards Board? This paper will give a brief overview on the history of the International Accounting Standards, starting with the role of the IASC Foundation, the structure of the IASB and the number of accounting standards currently published. Next, it will explain the steps in creating an international accounting standard in accordance with due process and it will show the mailing address and phone number. Lastly, there willRead MoreAccounting Standards Essay1364 Words  | 6 Pagesof accounting standards that accurately represents all of their financial activity in a manner that is useful to concerned parties. To resolve these discrepancies three separate standard setting bodies have been tasked with developing Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for these different organizations: The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) for federal accounting, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) for SLG, and the Fi nancial Accounting Standards BoardRead MoreThe Need for Accounting Standards3286 Words  | 14 PagesWhat would financial statements look like if there were no accounting standards?†Accounting standards are a set of principle that govern current accounting practice and are used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions. Having financial statements in the same format allow them to be compared and in this essay we shall discuss how the accounting standards came about, and why it continues to exist until this very day, as the format of such practice has changedRead MoreFinancial Accounting Standards903 Words  | 4 PagesFASB IFRS Financial Accounting Standards The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been around since 1973 and their organization’s duty and task is to set and provide effective and reliable financial accounting standards in the United States. The Financial Accounting Standards Board is also a private sector and is a not for profit organization, also recognized as U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and The American InstituteRead MoreUniversal Accounting Standards954 Words  | 4 PagesUniversal Accounting Standards Issue The internationalization of business activities has increased exponentially over the past 3 decades. Because the accounting standards and practices of different countries have developed in response to diverse environments, accounting has developed with strong national accents . As a result, multinationals with branches and investments in a wide array of countries find it difficult to achieve a consolidated financial report. Further, investors in these multinationals
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Answer: Introduction: Cardiovascular system of the body is complex framework consisting of heart, blood vessels and blood. Heart here pumps the blood throughout the body, which is circulated via the blood vessels. The blood vessels can have further subdivision, arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries transport the blood away from the heart. Veins has opposite functions with-respect to arteries, it transport the blood towards the heart from different parts of the body. Capillaries are regarded as the connection between the arteries and the veins. They can also be termed as small blood vessels (Stanfield, 2012). The main function of the cardiovascular system is to deliver the transport blood to different parts of the body and in turn bring away the deoxygenated blood from the organs or the organs system to lungs where purification occurs. Blood contains dissolved oxygen and this oxygenated blood when reaches to every cell of the organs, it helps in the breakdown of ATP to release energy. Blood also contains nutrients that help in nourishing the body (Stanfield, 2012). There are three main parts of the respiratory system and these include a pair of lungs, airways and the muscles. Here the airways consists of mouth, a pair of nose, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and bodys exterior part. The pair of lungs act as the main functional unit of the respiratory system. It performs exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the exterior environment. The muscles of the respiration are diaphragm and inter-coastal muscles. They act together to aid lungs in pumping and pushing the air both inside and outside of the body via inflation and deflation (Stanfield, 2012). The bodys oxygen transport system carries the oxygenated blood throughout the body via the circulatory system. This circulatory system in exchange of the oxygenated blood, brings out the deoxygenated blood from the organs to the lungs or the respiratory system. While at lungs, the deoxygenated blood gets purified via the exchanging carbon dioxide with oxygen. This exchange is done via respiratory system (Stanfield, 2012). Respiratory system undergoes several physiological, anatomical and immunological changes. The structural change includes change in the structure of the cell wall along with the thoracic deformity that impairs the overall breathing process leading to laboured breathing. The parenchyma cell of the lungs also loses its structure with the decrease in muscle strength, leading to dilation of air spaces. Aging is also associated with a degenerative change in the cardiovascular system. Aging causes a progressive increase hypertonic increase in the thickness in the wall of the left ventricle. This increases cardiac overload followed by age-associated arterial dilation and gradual loss of vascular compliance and peripheral resistance (Stanfield, 2012). Angina pectoris is disease of heart caused by the myocardial ischemia resulting out of imbalance between oxygen demand and myocardial blood supply. The main symptoms include retrosternal discomfort in chest characterised by pressure, heaviness, burning and chocking sensation. The pain is localised mainly in the back, neck, shoulders and jaws. Emphysema is defined as an abnormal enlargement of the air spaces which are situated at the distal side of the terminal bronchioles. The condition also causes destruction of the alveolar walls. Emphysema is also popularly known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The main symptoms of COPD are recurrent respiratory infection along with shortness of breath, fatigue and tightness in chest (Candamourty et al., 2012). The common risk factors of emphysema are cigarette smoking which is associated with the reduction in the association rate constant of the alpha-1 antitrypsin of the lungs for neutrophil elastase. The risk factors of angina is more or less similar to emphysema and include, chewing of tobacco, active and passive smoking that causes damage of the interior walls of the arteries. Other risk factor includes high cholesterol in blood (Candamourty et al., 2012). The immediate assessment in case of John is fever control, external supply of oxygen in order improve shortness of breath along with a chest X-ray to ascertain the degree of sputum congesting the heart. The rate of the external oxygen supply will be determined only after calculation the respiratory rate and degree of oxygen saturation (Dossey et al., 2012). Other health professionals which may be involved in Johns case is a physiotherapist who will help John to excrete his green thick cough via doing special physiotherapy message over his back side of the chest. This message will help in the easy excretion of the cough and thereby clearing his chest and promoting improved breathing. Since his diet is poor, he needs a proper diet chart that can only be supplied via a nutritionist who will help John to maintain a low cholesterol diet, required for patients of COPD (Dossey et al., 2012). Artificially acquired immunity is obtained via vaccines. The process involves immunization with the help of antigen. In response to this artificially injected antigen, body will develop antibodies along with memory B-cells to fight against the recurrent infection (Owen, Punt Stranford, 2013). The endocrine structure is made up of endocrine glands. The endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the body fluid that is blood other than through ducts. like hypothalamus, pituitary, parathyroid, reproductive organs (testes and ovaries), adrenal glands and pineal gland. Pancreas though not a gland is also included with within the endocrine system. This organ helps in secretion of hormone like insulin (Stanfield, 2012). The glands of the endocrine system produce hormones, which are regarded as the chemical messenger the control and co-ordinated the activity of the cells and the organs along with promotion of sexual development. Other functions of hormones include metabolism and growth (Stanfield, 2012). Position of the Pituitary Gland Name of the hormones Function of the hormones Anterior Pituitary Somatotropic Hormone (STH) It is an anabolic hormone that promotes muscle and skeletal growth Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) It promotes growth and development of the thyroid gland Adrenocorticotropic hormone Stimulates adrenal cortex to release cortico steroid hormones Gonadotrophic hormone (Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone) Regulates the growth and the function of the sexual organs or gonads Prolactin Promotes production of milk Posterior Pituitary Oxytocin Promotes uterine contraction that trigger labour pain during pregnancy, at the time of child birth Antidiuretic hormone Helps in renal reabsorption Table: Classification of Pituitary Hormones (Source: Stanfield, 2012) 3.Graves disease is the major outcome of the hyperthyroidism. It occurs mostly in the genetically predisposed population. Autoimmune problem is the driving force behind the disease. The Immunoglobulin of the patients who are suffering from graves disease show increase in the number of the thyroid-targeted activities that increases in the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This increases stimulation of TSH is related to the interaction of immunoglobulin G (IgG) with the TSH receptors. This constant secretion of TSH increases the level of thyroid hormone in blood (T3 T4) leading to hyperthyroidism or Graves disease (Owen, Punt Stranford, 2013). The risk factor of Graves disease include genetic pre-disposition, family history of auto-immune disease, increased intake of iodine, increase level of stress, unwanted use of sex steroid hormones and uncontrolled smoking (Stanfield, 2012). Isabella is suffering from Hypothyroidism or graves disease. Isabellas blood produces auto-antibodies which binds to the receptor of TSH while mimicking the function of TSH. This activates adenylate cyclise and results in unregulated synthesis of thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). It is due to this condition that Isabellas TSH concentration is within the normal limit while high concentration of T3 and T4. Unlike TSH, auto-antibodies are not regulated via negative feedback mechanism and thus they continuously stimulate thyroid hormone (Stanfield, 2012). Hence they are also known as long-acting thyroid stimulating antibodies (LATS) (Owen, Punt Stranford, 2013). The main structure of the digestive system includes stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, large intestine (colon), small intestine. Other associated structures include salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, rectum and mouth (Stanfield, 2012). The alimentary canal or the digestive system functions via channelizing food through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The process of digestion starts in mouth with the help f the salivary glands and chewing and ends in the small intestine. Food during its passage through the GI tract, gets mixed with the digestive juices, helping the large food molecules to break down into smaller counter parts (Stanfield, 2012). Immune system is a versatile defence system that protects animals from the invading micro-organisms that are pathogenic in nature. Immune system is divided into two parts, innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity provides preliminary line of defence against infection. It is regarded as inborn immunity that is majorly acquired from the maternal antibodies. Adaptive immunity develops during the course of life and is stronger than innate immunity as it has memory response to combat recurrent infection (Owen, Punt Stranford, 2013). Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that is mediated by a class of blocking auto antibodies. A patient suffering from Myasthenia gravis produces auto-antibodies that bind with the acetylcholine receptors. This trigger complement mediated lyses of the cells. Cell lyses weakens the skeletal muscles. In extreme cases the auto antibodies destroys the cell bearing those receptors resulting in complete loss of the signalling (Owen, Punt Stranford, 2013). Interventions Rationale Administration of thyroid hormone antagonist It will help to prepare patients for the surgery Administration of non-selective beta blockers (propranolol) Helps in the reduction of the thyrotoxic effects and also blocks the synthesis of thyroid hormones and also blocks the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. Table: Nursing plan for Hyperthyroidism (Source: Smallridge et al., 2014) Dietician: Isabella since running on high thyroid hormones and loos in weight, she needs a diabetic chart from better management of the insulin hormone secretion and regulation of thyroid hormones (American Diabetes Association, 2013). Ophthalmologist: High thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the blood affect the eye, creating vision problem and hence a thorough check up of ophthalmologist is must (American Diabetes Association, 2013). Nephrologists: Increase in the concentration of the thyroid hormones in blood affects the renal development and physiology negatively. Thyroid hormones are attributed to have a pre-renal and intrinsic renal affect and this increase the renal blood flow along with the glomerular filtration rate. Hence, multidisciplinary health care team of Isebella must contain a nephrologist in order to side-pass associated renal complications (Basu Mohapatra, 2012). Nervous system has three basic function and these are sensory function, interpretative function and motor function. The role of sensory function is to gather information from both the internal and external environment. The collected information is then transported by the nerves into the central nervous system (CNS). The motor nerves collect in the information from the muscle cells and convey the information to the CNS (Stanfield, 2012). Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease mediated by immune response that attacks the central nervous system via destroying the myelin sheet and the axon terminal. Pathological hallmark of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) inflammatory plaques arising out of the demyelination with in the Central Nervous System (CNS). The inflammation in the MS is not restricted to the white matter of the CNS. It also occurs in the region, which has high synaptic density like cerebral cortex (Owen, Punt Stranford, 2013). Inflammation arising out of the MS contributes to visual loss as and this goes in sync with the symptoms of Daisy who reports blurred vision. Inflammation also contributes towards the neurological deficit via modifying the characteristics of the gilial cells like microglia and astrocytes. Here the astrocytes are believed to be important in regulating several factors in brain. The modification in the astrocytes affects the memory function and leading to frequent loss of memory in case of Daisy. Demyelination of neurons causes loss of the signal transduction from the neurons and this loss of the transmission of the nerve impulses from one axon terminal to another leads to a burning sensation, which ultimately creates numbness in leg. Here Daisy is experiencing bilateral numbness in both of her leg, arising out of the demyelination of MS (Goldenberg, 2012). The main structural parts of the urinary system include a pair of kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra. Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are located on the back side of the abdominal wall, just behind the peritoneum. The right hand side kidney is located slightly lower than the left hand side kidney in order to accommodate liver. Ureters are long and thin tube shaped organs, which are made up of smooth muscles. Contraction of smooth muscles, push the urine down the ureters and the bladder. The female urethra is shorter than the male urethra (Stanfield, 2012). In the domain of anatomy and medicine, the special senses are defined as those senses that have some specialized organs devoted for them like vision (a pair of eyes), hearing and maintenance of body balance (a pair of ears), smell or odorant sense (nose) taste (tongue). The information from the special senses is carried via special somatic afferents and visceral afferents. Touch is also a special sense also known as somatic sense but it does not have specialized organ, apart from skin (Stanfield, 2012). Vision: Vision is the first sign of the disease manifestation in MS. It occurs due to the inflammation occurring in the optic nerves, a condition known as optic neuritis. Hearing: Problem with hearing is pretty much rare in case of patient with MS. Problem generally arise from the inflammation or scarring centering the auditory nerves as it enters inside the brain stem. Taste: MS significantly affects the taste buds. The lesions that appears in large section on the frontal side of the brain and on the temporal lobe of the brain cause loss of taste in the taste buds. Smell: 45% of the patient suffering from MS, witness the symptom of loss of smell. It occurs due to the reduction of the olfactory bulb (the region specific in the brain that is responsible for detecting smell) and grey matter. This reduction in grey matter then leads to loss in memory. Touch: The symptoms affecting the touch senses may be mild or severe. The symptoms are exacerbated via fatigue or heat (Stanfield, 2012). A person who has lost his or her teeth either partially or completely is known as edentulous or edentate. Organisms that are completely devoid of teeth are also classified under edentulous like sloths and anteaters. Organisms who have not lost any teeth is known as dentate (Pettersson et al., 2012). Multiple sclerosis and periodontal disease both have inflammatory origin and thus is inter-related. In case of MS, due to difficulty in nerves, patients fail to observe through dental hygiene, which further aggravates the dental problem (Elemek Almas, 2013). In case of Daisy, problem in the nerve endings arising out of the MS, is resulting in jaw pain. Nature of complications Assessment Interventions Difficulty in walking Manual test of the muscle 6 minutes walk Gait analysis along with functional gait assessment and dynamic gait assessment Proper gait assistive device and gait training Behavioral and environmental modifications Poor body balance with a risk of fall Manual test of the muscle Strength training along with behavioral modification The treatment of the dental problems as experienced by Daisy should be done by a professional dental hygienists or a dentist. Here the dentist will take care of Daisy's jaw pain via assisting her in maintaining proper dental hygiene and thereby preventing periodontal disease (Elemek Almas, 2013). Daisy also needs a daily assistance from a trained registered nurse in order to carry out her daily activities. She is experiencing bilateral numbness in both her feet along with blurred vision and here a constant assistance of a nurse is must for her. References American Diabetes Association. (2013). 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